Is Turkey Good For Hair Transplant?

Is Turkey Good For Hair Transplant?

Cost of hair transplants in Turkey

While hair transplants in the United States and Europe are extremely expensive, those in Turkey are much less expensive. can have a top-quality transplant for less than $15,000 in Turkey. Hair grafts are affordable and are of excellent quality. It is not necessary to spend a fortune on post-operative treatment. The procedure you undergo will include PRP therapy, which can aid in regrowing hair that is thin faster.

In addition to the cost of the procedure, you must be aware of the success rate of the clinic. There are different success rates in different clinics, so it’s essential to ask your doctor for specifics. You can also read testimonials from former patients to determine whether the clinic is reliable. You should also consider whether you would prefer to undergo the procedure at a private clinic or one that is part of a hospital. If you plan to travel outside of the USA, you have the option of choosing between a UK clinic or a Turkey clinic.

Cost of FUE hair transplant in Turkey

When it comes to hair transplant surgery, Turkey is one of the leading countries in world. The most popular technique is FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction. Other techniques utilized by surgeons include FUT, DHi, Ice Sapphire FUE and a hybrid procedure known as a FUSS/DHI hair transplant. The cost of the procedure will depend on the kind of procedure and the location of the hair loss.

Prices for a Turkey hair transplant differ based on the procedure chosen and how many grafts are needed. When the number of grafts increased, the price per graft will drop. One thousand grafts will cost you approximately $1500, while a process that involves three hundred grafts will cost you approximately $3000. FUE surgery in Turkey costs a little more than DHI hair transplant in the U.S. but it is still less expensive than similar procedures in Europe.

Turkey: Cost of long-hair FUE hair transplants

A hair transplant surgery abroad can be very expensive. There are many ways to lower the cost while still achieving the desired results. First, a clinic for hair transplants should be able offer several packages. Some packages include lodging and flights. Other packages include meals and excursions in Turkey.

Hair transplant surgery in Turkey is relatively affordable as compared with other countries. The cost of the procedure varies widely based on the type of surgery you want, the clinic you select, and the surgeon you choose. You can pay between $2500 and $7500 for the procedure however in other countries, the cost is much higher.

Hair transplants using FUE in Turkey The effectiveness of FUE hair transplants in Turkey

Follicular unit extraction (FUE), a popular procedure for hair transplants in Turkey, involves removing the donor tissue that is packed with dense hair hair follicles, and then implantation at the recipient site. The cost of this procedure is higher than other hair transplant in Turkey procedures, and starts at $1700.

A skilled surgeon can perform the procedure. Dr. Yilmaz Oztorun is a highly regarded cosmetic surgeon in Turkey with over 15 years of experience. He is a qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in FUE hair transplants. He has been awarded numerous awards and certificates.

Turkey FUT hair transplant cost

Turkey is one of the most popular places in the world for hair transplants and plastic surgery. Not only is it easier and cheaper to perform in Turkey as well, but the country has a strong domestic manufacturing sector, which cuts out the cost of logistics and shipping. Turkey’s low living expenses and high salaries make it affordable for healthcare. Although the cost of FUT hair transplants in Turkey can differ from clinic to clinic however, it’s generally affordable.

FUT hair transplant in Turkey is less expensive than FUE, and the procedure is less invasive. FUT hair transplant results won’t be as precise as FUE. Selecting the right clinic for your procedure will ensure you get the best results for the lowest cost. Be sure to read reviews and check out before and after pictures to help you make an informed decision.